-SIRCTA- Southern indiana regional Community tennis association (non-profit
Now is the time to build for our future tennis needs.
Now is the time to build for our future tennis needs.
The Southern Indiana Regional Community Tennis Association (CTA) is an incorporated, geographically defined, not-for-profit, volunteer based organization that supports or provides comprehensive programs and grant funding for tennis related projects. As an association, the group is working to establish, coordinate and maintain tennis facilities, programs, and services, and guaranteeing that they are open and accessible to all. CTAs may act as advocates, program administrators, promoters or fundraisers. The SIRCTA is an approved United States Tennis Association CTA and will work to develop and promote tennis at the grassroots level. SIRCTA will partner with like-minded organizations to help grow the game at the local level.
2020 was certainly a different year than what any of us has ever experienced. Our organization felt the need to lay low until we were able to determine the effects of the pandemic. The consensus now is that tennis has been proven a very safe activity when simple precautions are taken and the game of tennis has actually seen a big increase in participation across the globe. Now that 2021 is here, we plan to hit the ground running in our efforts to reach our fundraising goals.
For several years now, the need for additional indoor and quality outdoor facilities has been very apparent. Designs have been put forward and there is momentum to reach the needed funding goals to finance new projects in this area. We are prepared to provide grants to assist in construction of new facilities and to make tennis more accessible.
Periodically, we will provide an update so that you can follow our progress toward our organizational goals of raising $50,000.
As of 1-2-2021, we have raised $2800.00. This is good start considering we have just begun efforts to reach out to the community
Tax deductible donations are great way to show your support for this initiative. Not only do you move forward the growth of tennis, but you will enjoy the benefits of a tax deductible donation.
The Southern Indiana Tennis Center is bursting at the seams as we work through our fifth year of successful operation. The stories and experiences that our wonderful base of members are sharing in the community continue to build excitement for tennis in Southern Indiana. We have been blessed that the growing love for the sport is also placing a growing need for additional court space. To best serve our tennis community with more first class experiences, it is time for us to grow the SITC. We have put together plans to add 4 outdoor Red Clay USA tennis courts to our facility and create new offerings during the warm weather months. This will broaden our appeal to more players and make our center a year-round destination for tennis.
We invite you to consider how you might be a part of this exciting expansion project and lend your support. This is your tennis center. This is your tennis community. This is your opportunity to help us grow the love for tennis. If you are interested in learning more about how you can invest in your tennis community, please click the TELL ME MORE button below.
This is a wonderful opportunity for you to become a shareholder in a community-based asset that is serving thousands of Southern Indiana residents including at least 1,000 children.
By taking part in our cause to expand the SITC facility, you will be helping grow the love for tennis in our community. Take the initiative, it's your turn to serve.
Your generous donation will help fund our mission.
Hit the PayPal link below!
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